Cancer - the name brings with itself a host of emotions. Right from the diagnosis through the treatment, it is a journey of reviewing one’s life and thinking of how one would like it to be. Emotions during this phase are intense and along with the care from doctors, and other health professionals, a dedicated and confidential psychological and emotional support service for patients, their families and caregivers is required.
At Orchids, our counsellors help not only the patients but also their entire family.
A trained counsellor explores a patient’s issues in a safe and supportive environment.
Emphasis is given to help people respond to challenges and the associated emotions in healthy ways.
In a warm, friendly environment, our counsellor helps sort out several issues that a patient may be dealing with when diagnosed with cancer, such as:
The barrage of negative emotions can be drain patients, caregivers and family members. Our counsellor understands the transient nature of emotions and is equipped to show you different ways of perceiving situations and dealing with emotions.
Counselling is confidential, ensuring the utmost comfort.
Asking for trained professional help is highly encouraged; as it means taking charge of our feelings and metal well-being.
Cancer is difficult to deal with emotionally, not only for the patient, but also for their caregivers. Keeping strong and positive at such times and supporting them throughout can be difficult. To unload the burden of buried emotions, caregivers need someone to talk to. Therefore, counselling for caregivers is also strongly advised. When the entire family undergoes counselling together, the patient feels the support of her/his caregivers, and the caregivers, in turn, can keep up the hope and faith needed to keep encouraging their loved one.
Treat yourself with compassion and kindness. Be patient and allow yourself the time needed to adjust. The process of learning to accept a cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatment may change your life.
A cancer diagnosis can bring a lot of emotions like anxiety, fear, feeling overwhelmed and one needs to cope with these as well as changes in daily living. Some ways one can cope better is by:
Taking on all of the responsibilities of caregiving without regular breaks or any help will cause you to burnout. Some things you can do:
Ask for help from family members and friends and divide responsibilities. Someone can take over getting groceries, cooking, getting medicines, etc.